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    Resources Translator The new campaign has really taken off.

The new campaign has really taken off.

Translation result
La nueva campaña realmente ha despegado. The new campaign has really taken off.

new adjective

1. not of long duration.

The new employee was still getting used to the company's procedures, having only been on the job for a few weeks. El nuevo empleado aún se adaptaba a los procedimientos de la empresa, ya que había comenzado a trabajar solo unos pocos semanas.
The new restaurant in town has been getting rave reviews, but it's hard to tell if it will still be popular in a year or two. El nuevo restaurante en el pueblo ha estado recibiendo opiniones entusiastas, pero es difícil decir si seguirá siendo popular dentro de un año o dos.

2. unaffected by use or exposure.

The new smartphone still had its original packaging and accessories, showing that it hadn't been used before. El nuevo teléfono inteligente todavía tenía su embalaje y accesorios originales, lo que demostraba que no se había utilizado antes.
The new employee was fresh out of college and didn't have any experience in the industry, making her a blank slate for training. El nuevo empleado acababa de salir de la universidad y no tenía experiencia en el sector, lo que la convertía en una hoja en blanco para la capacitación.

campaign noun

1. a race between candidates for elective office.

The senator's campaign against corruption swept across the state, gaining widespread support from voters. La campaña del senador contra la corrupción se extendió por todo el estado, obteniendo un apoyo amplio y generalizado de los votantes.

2. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end.

The environmental organization launched a nationwide campaign to raise awareness about climate change and promote sustainable living practices. La organización ambiental lanzó una campaña nacional para concienciar sobre el cambio climático y promover prácticas de vida sostenible.

3. several related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal (usually within geographical and temporal constraints).

The marketing team launched a nationwide campaign to promote the new smartphone model, which included TV commercials, social media ads, and in-store promotions. El equipo de marketing lanzó una campaña nacional para promocionar el nuevo modelo de smartphone, que incluyó anuncios publicitarios en televisión, publicidad en redes sociales y promociones en tiendas.

4. an overland journey by hunters (especially in Africa).

The safari company organized an exclusive campaign for wealthy clients, which took them on a thrilling adventure through the Maasai Mara reserve. La empresa de safaris organizó una campaña exclusiva para clientes adinerados, que les llevó en un emocionante aventura a través del reserva de Maasai Mara.

have verb

1. have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense.

She has a beautiful garden with a variety of flowers and trees that she tends to every weekend. Ella tiene un jardín hermoso con una variedad de flores y árboles que atiende cada fin de semana.

2. have as a feature.

The new smartphone has a sleek design, making it stand out in the market. El nuevo teléfono inteligente tiene un diseño elegante, lo que lo hace destacarse en el mercado.

3. go through (mental or physical states or experiences).

After a long illness, she has been through a lot of physical therapy to regain her strength and mobility. Después de una larga enfermedad, ha pasado por mucho terapia física para recuperar su fuerza y movilidad.

4. have ownership or possession of.

She has inherited her grandmother's antique jewelry, which is now on display in her living room. Ella ha heredado el joyería antigua de su abuela, que ahora se exhibe en su sala de estar.

5. cause to move.

The strong winds had the trees swaying gently in the orchard, causing them to creak and groan under their own weight. Los fuertes vientos tenían los árboles balanceándose suavemente en el huerto, lo que les hacía crujir y gemir bajo su propio peso.

6. serve oneself to, or consume regularly.

She likes to have a cup of coffee every morning to get her going for the day. Ella le gusta tener un tazón de café cada mañana para despertarse y estar lista para el día.

7. have a personal or business relationship with someone.

She has been working with John at the same company for five years, and they have developed a strong professional bond. Ella ha estado trabajando con John en la misma empresa durante cinco años y han desarrollado un vínculo profesional fuerte.

8. organize or be responsible for.

As the project leader, Sarah will have to organize the team and ensure that all tasks are completed on time. Como líder del proyecto, Sarah tendrá que organizar al equipo y asegurarse de que todas las tareas se completan a tiempo.

9. have left.

After packing her bags, Sarah has left for the airport to catch her flight. Después de empacar sus maletas, Sarah se ha ido al aeropuerto para coger su vuelo.

10. be confronted with.

The detective had to have the suspicious evidence, which led her straight to the culprit's doorstep. El detective tuvo que tener la evidencia sospechosa, lo que la llevó directamente a la puerta del acusado.

11. undergo.

The new employee is going to have her first training session today, where she'll learn about company policies and procedures. El nuevo empleado tendrá su primera sesión de capacitación hoy, donde aprenderá sobre políticas y procedimientos de la empresa.

12. suffer from.

After the accident, she has been having chronic back pain and finds it difficult to perform daily activities. Después del accidente, ella ha estado sufriendo dolor de espalda crónico y encuentra difícil realizar actividades diarias.

13. cause to do.

The teacher decided to have the students write an essay on their summer vacation, and they spent hours crafting their stories. El profesor decidió que los estudiantes escribieran un ensayo sobre sus vacaciones de verano y pasaron horas construyendo sus historias.

14. receive willingly something given or offered.

The charity has received many donations from generous donors to help with disaster relief efforts. La caridad ha recibido numerosos donativos de donantes generosos para ayudar con esfuerzos de auxilio en casos de desastre.

15. get something.

I have finally gotten my hands on the new iPhone that I've been waiting for. Tengo finalmente en mis manos el nuevo iPhone que esperaba.

16. undergo (as of injuries and illnesses).

After the accident, Sarah had to have surgery to repair her broken leg. Después del accidente, Sarah tuvo que someterse a una cirugía para reparar su pierna rotura.

17. achieve a point or goal.

After months of hard work, she finally had her dream job offer and was overjoyed. Después de meses de duro trabajo, ella finalmente tuvo la oferta laboral de sus sueños y estaba eufórica.

18. cause to be born.

The parents had their first child after trying for several years, and they were overjoyed at the arrival of their little one. Los padres tuvieron su primer hijo después de intentarlo durante varios años y se sintieron extremadamente felices al llegar del pequeño".

19. have sex with.


I have.
You have.
He/She/It has.
We have.
You have.
They have.
Complete conjugation.

really adverb

1. in accordance with truth or fact or reality.

The detective really examined the crime scene, taking note of every detail to build a strong case against the suspect. El detectives examinó realmente el escenario del crimen, anotando cada detalle para construir un caso fuerte contra el sospechoso.

2. in actual fact.

The new policy is really aimed at reducing carbon emissions, not just cutting costs. La nueva política realmente se enfoca en reducir las emisiones de carbono, no solo en cortar costos.

3. in fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers).

I really love trying new foods, especially spicy ones! (In this sentence, "really" emphasizes the speaker's strong affection for trying new foods.) Me encanta probar nuevos alimentos, especialmente los picantes. (En esta oración, "realmente" enfatiza la fuerte afición del hablante por probar nuevos alimentos.)

4. used as intensifiers.

I'm really tired after that long hike, so let's head back to the hotel. Me siento realmente agotado después de esa larga caminata, así que volvamos al hotel.

fry verb

1. be excessively hot.

If the children stay out on the beach for another hour, they'll be fried Traducción de 'If the children stay out on the beach for another hour, they'll be fried'

2. cook on a hot surface using fat.

Fry the pancakes Traducción de 'Fry the pancakes'

3. kill by electrocution, as in the electric chair.

The serial killer was electrocuted Traducción de 'The serial killer was electrocuted'